
Why not have a listen, while you read:

I feel calm, reassured and happy. It’s okay not to rush. It’s necessary to explore yourself, and your options; that are going to further guide you to who you will become. It’s okay, take your time. Let all that you wish and desire around you, to seep in and awaken possibility. Continue to breathe, stay hopeful and let your mind wander into daydreams. Travel to unexpected places, both physically and mentally. Life is only as vast and beautiful as you make it, take this opportunity to make yours all that you can want. Leave room for the changes and growth that will one day unravel a new you - that you otherwise would not have become had you taken consideration, time and happiness into effect for all your decisions. Be impulsive; live a little more than before; go against expectations; break some rules; fall in love, get hurt, and get back up again; fail and prevail; just take it all in, and know that all that we have in this existence is in our own control, we should all work towards our own betterment. 

All the love,


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